What is BEMS?

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BEMS (Building Energy Management Systems)—sometimes referred to as BMS (Building Management Systems) or BAS (Building Automation Systems for any americans out there)— Are a centralized platform that monitor and control plant equipment(AHUs, Pumps, Boilers ETC.). all BEMS installations will incoporate some sort of graphics user interface, commonly reffered to as 'Headend', to allow an end user such as a shift engineer or any other maintenance staff to make adjustments such as setpoints or time schedules, installations can also be set up to store histories which could be displayed in a graph, this can be a very powerful tool allowing intertmittnet faults to be caught even if it occurs during out of hours.

A typical BEMS installation will most likely include the following:
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  1. The headend/GUI: this sits at the top of an installation and collects data from controllers and will send out setpoint adjustments that are made by end users.
  2. The network infrastructure: historically before widespread IT networks were available, most controllers would be on a propreitry current loop but nowadays with widespread IT infrastructure most controllers will sit on the IT network.
  3. Controllers: These have inputs and outputs, inputs monitor devices such as temperature sensor and switches, and outputs send out signals such as 0-10VDC to control devices.
  4. Field devices: These include items that interface with controllers such as sensors monitoring an AHU or motor driven actuators that control the flow of water within pipes.

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